At the gig you noticed the effect of the new non-smoking laws as all the fans stood outside tarring their lungs before the show started. Inside the venue there was not a single whisp of the foul smelling blue smoke to be seen - and I was a very happy camper!
I don't remember the name of the warm-up band, but that is ok, as I won't be rushing out to buy their CD. I mean, they were ok, but they were a little loud and heavy compared to the Helden, so they didn't really fit the scene - IMHO.
Around 9pm Wir sind Helden hit the stage, and went on to perform for somewhere between 90min and 2hrs, with 2 encores. I am not the world's biggest fan of the guaranteed encore, but I am glad these guys came back on twice and added some of the older and really popular tracks to the gig - tracks like "Elefant für Dich" (Elephant for you) and "Denkmal" (Monument).
During the gig, Judith Holofernes (who formed the band, and does all the vocals), who was a little sick, laid down some great vocal and guitar performances and was dancing and jumping around like a complete freak the whole time, kitted out in a green dress with purple pockets that reminds you of the uniforms in US Diners - classic. Jean-Michel Tourette put in some nice work on the guitar and a few different forms of keyboard, including one that is worn like an electric guitar. The other two members of the group rounded out the performance with some nice work on guitar and drums as well, with the whole band then backed up a 3 piece brass section for that extra bit of umphf.
Anyway - if you want to learn any more about the band, check them out on Wikipedia or on their own website.
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