According to my "friendly FE" (FE = Sales Guy), the longest word in German used to be Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän. Apparently the word does not exist any more, and you will see why as we decode it...
Donau - The Danube River
Dampf - Steam
Schiff - Ship
Fahrt - To drive
Gesellschaft - A company
Kapitän - A captain
So, throwing all of that into the big-German-cooking-pot, adding some spices, and mashing the living shit out of it, we come up with Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän which means The Captain of a Steamboat, who works for a company, who sails on the Danube.
Crazy Germans... :)
Bis zum nächste mal! Tschüß!
2011: A Year In Music [Part 4 of 4]
13 years ago
Longest Australian word:
also read as
do you think the germans have ever been told it is ok to use punctuattion, sentences and paragraphs to describe things?
Shut your pie hole Damien and go sign another declaration of your simple-ness.
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