Monday, March 27, 2006

Day light savings

FYI Daylight saving time has started here so we are now have a 9 hour time difference between here and home. In a week or so when Aus changes it will be 8 hours. This note is especially for those who call and text message us - we love you, but not at 2am :-)

I am quite tired today because we turned our clocks the wrong way, so we thought we had a lot more time and accidently stayed up too late... So make sure you go the right way next weekend



Anonymous said...

Not guilty your honor !!

Anonymous said...

Tut, tut - now who is that has done the Physics, the Maths, the logic al that stuff - oh well blame it on being in the Northern Hemosphere.

Anonymous said...

What? Turn the clock which way? Are we gaining or losing an hour? The curtains will fade! The cows will be milked at the wrong time!