Friday, September 22, 2006

I'm bored, so here are my shoes!

I am bored at work, waiting for our Oktoberfest Grillfest to start (sausages and beer in the office), so I took some pics of my shoes. I picked these babies up for a cool €50 in Nürnburg last week at the Puma Outlet.

Are they the Duck's Nuts or what?!?!



'Brush and Bel said...

well i love them - but this is the guy who told me when we first got togehter that you only need 3 pairs of shoes - flip flops; sneakers; and dress shoes...

Don't get him to put up pics of all of his shoes... there isn't enough space on the blog :-)I don't know what happened!!!


Anonymous said...

Great to catch up on what you have both been up to - it's been a few weeks since I have checked it so there is a heap of good stuff there. Good grief son, what is with you electrocution, running over power cords and wrecking you back - it must have all started when I dropped you down the stairs when you were a baby. Sorry about that. Love D&D

Anonymous said...

Still struggling with this anonymous bit.
