Thursday, January 19, 2006

Chillin' with the King of Norway

That is the castle of the King of Norway. Unlike Buckingham Palace, or any of the American Embassies, you can get within about 15 meters of the building before encountering any kind of fence. Even then, it is only a single chain that is about half-way up your shin.
That being said, the two REALLY COLD looking guys standing outside those litte hut things, with guns, would probably stop you if you tried to knock on the door and leave a bag of burning dog poo on the door step.

This pic was taken at about 7pm, in -6°C weather. It has been snowing here for the last 2 days solid.



Anonymous said...

We note with interest that Christian Valdemar Henri John has just be christened in Denmark - not NORWAY we know that - but at least in somewhere nearby to where you are. Shit! - hot today 47 in Jan Juc unheard of. Bushfires in Anakie - still a worry to the towns people but cool change through - temp now about 30.
Love Dad & Diane

Kate said...

Any word from WV yet? Thinking of you...

Oh and - cool palace!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Halls Gap is going to burn in the next 24hours if they cant get the fires under control. The fire area is 10 times the size of Phillip Island.

Oh and do the dog poo thing just for shits and giggles. I am SURE Damien will support me.