Sunday, October 30, 2005

Random bizarre German meat products...

Welcome to a new series entitled "Random bizarre German meat products..."
Here's entry number 1...
Unfortunately you can't see the name of it too well, but it is Bärchenwurst, which roughly translates to Little Bear Sausage. This one nearly made me spew when I saw it in the catalogue. I wonder how many little bears it takes to make each highly over-processed roll of this crap? But, not only is it delicious *spew*, but it's also nutritious! It comes Mit extra Calcium! In fact, I think I might go out and buy some now!!!! Oh, hang on...I can't! It's Sunday and all the shops are closed! DAMN IT! :P


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's for kids ya knob-end.
I'm sure my kids would happily chow down on the little bear.

Highly processed offal is packed with protein, and that extra calcium is a bonus.